Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Inositol is a naturally occurring nutrient that is usually classified as a carbocyclic polyol. The most common form of inositol is sometimes referred to as myo-inositol. In the human body, inositol plays a major role in preventing the collection of fats in the liver, as well as promoting healthy hair growth. The presence of the nutrient also aids in efficient processing of nutrients into the conversion of energy, which in turn helps the body to maintain a healthy metabolism. Inositol also can be considered brain food, as the nutrient is necessary to properly nourish the brain.

Some studies indicate that inositol may impact illnesses like depression. Those who suffer from clinical depression have been shown to have decreased levels of inositol in their cerebrospinal fluid.

Inositol, unofficially referred to as "vitamin B8," is present in all animal tissues, with the highest levels in the heart and brain. It is part of the membranes (outer coverings) of all cells, and plays a role in helping the liver process fats as well as contributing to the function of muscles and nerves.

Inositol, also part of the B vitamin complex, is closely associated with choline. Like choline, inositol (as phosphatidylinositol) is also found in lecithin, though in lesser amounts than choline, and acts as a lipotropic agent (milder than choline) in the body, helping to emulsify fats. The body can produce its own inositol from glucose, so it is not really essential. We have high stores of inositol; its concentration in the body is second highest of the B vitamins, surpassed only by niacin.

Inositol may also be involved in depression. People who are depressed may have lower than normal levels of inositol in their spinal fluid. In addition, inositol participates in the action of serotonin, a neurotransmitter known to be a factor in depression. (Neurotransmitters are chemicals that transmit messages between nerve cells.) For these two reasons, inositol has been proposed as a treatment for depression, and preliminary evidence suggests that it may be helpful.

Inositol is found in plants, as Inositol Hexaphosphate (IP6). It is a phosphorylated form of Inositol commonly found in fiber-rich plant foods. IP6 supports natural cell defense against damaging hydroxyl free radicals by chelating with reactive iron. It boosts the body's natural cellular defenses by increasing the levels of inositol phosphates in the cells; as a result, it dramatically increases natural killer cell activity, which plays a key role in strengthening the body's immune system.

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